How to delete sensitive files
Step1. Please run Privazer and click on the dropdown list which shows "Scan in-depth" as the first item.

Step 2.Please click on the "Delete without a trace" option from the dropdown list.

Step 3. In the "Delete without a trace" window, please click on the "Sensitive files" option and click on the Ok button.

Step 4. A Select window will open. Please navigate to the where the files are located. Please choose the files that you want to delete and press the Open button.

Step 5. A window will open detailing how Privazer will delete the selected files. Please note that files deleted by Privazer will not be recoverable. To start deletion, please click on the Start button and proceed to Step 7. For different and more secure options of deleting the files, please click on the "See advanced options" link and proceed to Step 6.

Step 6. In the advanced options window, please click on the dropdown list to show the different methods of deletions. The deletion methods range from the simplest and fastest one (1 PASS - British HMG IS5, Baseline Standard) to the most secure and slowest method (35 PASSES - Peter Gutmann's Algorithm). Please choose your preferred method and click on the Start button to begin the deletion.

Step 7. A window will open showing the progress of the deletion of files. You can click on the See link to view the list of files deleted or click on the History link to view a log of all activities performed. To return to the Privazer main screen, please click on the Close button.
